Press Releases
Senator Hawley: Unelected Bureaucrats Tried To Overturn 2016 Election Because They Disdain Trump Voters
Today during Attorney General William Barr’s appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Josh Hawley said the counterintelligence investigation into President Trump was an attempt by unelected bureaucrats to overturn a democratic election because of their disdain for Trump voters.
Senator Hawley Introduces Bicameral Resolution Condemning Terrorist Attacks in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday
“I am disgusted by the recent string of attacks on people in their places of worship. No one should feel threatened while practicing their faith. We should condemn the despicable acts of violence in Sri Lanka in the strongest terms possible and call it what is – radical Islamic terrorism. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and communities grieving the loss of their loved ones on such a holy day for the Christian faith.”
Sens. Hawley and Blunt Decry Lack of Action on Disaster Aid Bill
“Although more will be needed in the future, this package would have expedited critical aid for Missourians whose homes, crops, and livestock have been destroyed by catastrophic flooding,” said Senator Josh Hawley. “It’s shameful that Democrats would hold hostage aid to farmers and ranchers in order to settle political scores. This is Washington at its worst.”
Senator Hawley Asks Attorney General Barr And Secretary DeVos to Hold Yale Accountable for Targeting Religious Students
“I request that your Department protect the rights of these students by monitoring closely the changes Yale is making to its policy and by taking all appropriate legal action to strip Yale of federal funding should it—as an institution that is supposed to be neutral about religion—target religious students for special disfavor.”
Senator Hawley Delivers Floor Speech on Yale Law School Targeting Religious Students
Today Senator Josh Hawley delivered a floor speech on Yale Law School’s policy of discriminating against students of faith. The speech comes after Hawley sent letters to Attorney General Bill Barr and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos this morning asking them to ensure that Yale Law School reverses its misguided policy or strip their federal funding.
Law Enforcement and Suicide Prevention Advocates Applaud Senator Hawley’s Police Suicide Prevention Legislation
Less than a week after introduction, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley’s “Supporting and Treating Officers in Crisis Act of 2019” has received an outpouring of support from the law enforcement and suicide prevention communities. The bill restores expired grant funding for law enforcement family-support services. The bill also allows grant recipients to use funds to establish suicide-prevention programs and mental health services for law enforcement officers.
Senator Hawley Comments on Yale’s Discrimination against Religious Students
Following reports that Yale Law School will now deprive religious students of funding opportunities if they work for organizations that require statements of faith, Senator Josh Hawley issued this statement: “Yale’s new policy, as first announced, targets religious students for special disfavor. Under this policy, a student saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt can’t access Yale’s loan repayment program if they choose to work for certain faith-based organizations. Depriving a student of resources available to everybody else because of her religion isn’t just wrong. For schools receiving federal funds, it’s illegal. Now Yale has suggested it may abandon or alter this discriminatory policy. If it does not, the federal government should strip funding from Yale...
Senator Hawley Comments on Yale’s Discrimination against Religious Students
“Yale’s new policy, as first announced, targets religious students for special disfavor. Under this policy, a student saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt can’t access Yale’s loan repayment program if they choose to work for certain faith-based organizations. Depriving a student of resources available to everybody else because of her religion isn’t just wrong. For schools receiving federal funds, it’s illegal. Now Yale has suggested it may abandon or alter this discriminatory policy. If it does not, the federal government should strip funding from Yale under appropriate statutes and review Yale’s tax-exempt status.”
Senator Hawley Introduces Legislation to Improve Duck Boat Safety
“Missouri still mourns the lives lost on Table Rock Lake last summer. Sadly though, this tragedy wasn’t the first of its kind. For decades now, the NTSB has been making recommendations to make these rides safer, but Congress has failed to act. It’s my goal to change that by introducing this legislation today. We have to protect safety on the water.”