Hawley Urges Biden to Protect Transport for Remains of Deceased Missouri Missionaries

Sunday, May 26, 2024

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) urged President Biden to mobilize all necessary resources at his disposal to protect the transport of the remains of Natalie and Davy Lloyd. The Lloyds were brutally murdered by Haitian gangs while working as missionaries in the country. Their remains are still not home in Missouri with their families. 

“While there is now a plan in place to fly Natalie and Davy’s remains back to Missouri, there are serious concerns about the security situation on the ground in Haiti over the next several days. Natalie and Davy’s bodies will need to be transported to the final point of departure, and until that time, there are major risks… I must stress the critical importance of sufficient security personnel to protect the transport during the journey to the final point of departure,” wrote Senator Hawley.

He continued, “Natalie and Davy devoted their lives to spreading the Gospel and serving others. As Missouri mourns their loss, I ask you to mobilize all resources at your disposal to protect the transport of the Lloyds’ remains back to Missouri. This is the least your government owes our citizens.”

Senator Hawley has been working closely with the State Department since he first learned the Lloyds were in danger. First, to try and provide assistance prior to their death, and now, to bring the Lloyds back home to Missouri. On Friday, Senator Hawley paid tribute to the couple who had dedicated their lives to sharing the gospel and died in the mission field. 

Read the full letter here or below.  

May 26, 2024

President Joseph R. Biden Jr. 
The White House 
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

Days ago, two Missouri missionaries, Natalie and Davy Lloyd, were brutally murdered by Haitian gangs as they were working to minister to the Haitian people. On the night they were besieged by gangs, my office urgently requested help from the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince. The Embassy informed us it was ‘too dangerous’ to send police to aid the Lloyds. Now they are dead. As I write, Natalie and Davy Lloyd’s remains are still not home and reunited with their families. Their government failed them in their hour of need. Now I ask that you take all available steps to ensure that adequate security measures are in place to safely return Natalie and Davy’s remains to the United States. I ask that you take action as expeditiously as possible.

While there is now a plan in place to fly Natalie and Davy’s remains back to Missouri, there are serious concerns about the security situation on the ground in Haiti over the next several days. Natalie and Davy’s bodies will need to be transported to the final point of departure, and until that time, there are major risks. The situation on the ground in Port-au-Prince remains anarchic. Haitian gangs are heavily armed and could delay or even hijack the vehicles carrying the Lloyds’ bodies. I must stress the critical importance of sufficient security personnel to protect the transport during the journey to the final point of departure.
Natalie and Davy devoted their lives to spreading the Gospel and serving others. As Missouri mourns their loss, I ask you to mobilize all resources at your disposal to protect the transport of the Lloyds’ remains back to Missouri. This is the least your government owes our citizens.


Josh Hawley
United States Senator
