Press Releases

BREAKING: Hawley Demands Secret Service Director Rowe Resign Over DHS Panel Findings From Butler Rally

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) issued the following statements calling for U.S. Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe to resign. The Senator's call for Rowe to resign comes after an independent review panel commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a report of major Secret Service failures at the Butler Rally in July where former President Trump was shot.  "The findings of the DHS review panel re: the Butler attempted assassination of Donald Trump are incredibly disturbing - and confirm what whistleblowers have repeatedly told me. It is clear now the current leadership of the USSS must go, and that begins with Acting Director Rowe," wrote Senator Hawley. "The DHS review panel found error upon error, mistake upon mistake in Butler, almost...

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Hawley Reveals NEW Whistleblower Allegations: Secret Service Hiding Truth about Trump Protection

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent letters to both U.S. Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General Joseph Cuffari, outlining a new whistleblower claim that Secret Service leadership is denying government auditors access to certain events in an effort to hide the fact former President Trump is not getting the highest level of protection. Senator Hawley wrote to Acting Director Rowe, saying “You of course have publicly stated that former President Trump is receiving ‘the highest level of Secret Service protection’ and that ‘he’s getting everything.’ This new whistleblower information troublingly contradicts your public statements.” The Senator also provided questions to Rowe and his agency, to which he requested prompt...

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Hawley Statement on Anniversary of October 7 Attacks

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) issued the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the brutal October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel:"One year ago today our great ally Israel was savagely attacked. A year later, they’re still fighting to defend their nation," Sen. Hawley wrote. "Now more than ever, we must stand with Israel."  Sen. Hawley has been a vocal supporter of Israel. Last year, the Senate passed his resolution condemning Hamas and the antisemitic student groups on college campuses that celebrated the Oct. 7 attack. Senator Hawley demanded Secretary Mayorkas terminate a DHS employee who has a documented history of making blatantly antisemitic, pro-Hamas statements.   He has also called...

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Hawley, Welch Unveil Bipartisan Legislation to Crack Down on Big Businesses’ Corporate Misbehavior

U.S. Senators Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Peter Welch (D-Vt.) have introduced bipartisan legislation, the Hold Corporate Criminals Accountable Act, to direct the Department of Justice (DOJ) to crack down on corporate wrongdoing by America's biggest businesses.   “More and more big businesses are receiving a slap on the wrist by the DOJ for corporate misbehavior, allowing corporations to skirt litigation fees while incentivizing repeated offenses. This bipartisan legislation has the teeth to hold Corporate America accountable and would crack down on DOJ’s sweetheart deals,” said Senator Hawley.  “All wrongdoers should be held accountable for their actions—plain and simple. Yet federal prosecution of white-collar crimes has fallen to record lows in recent...

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Hawley, Durbin Introduce Bipartisan Bill Expanding Nationwide Background Checks for Childcare Workers

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, along with U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, introduced bipartisan legislation to ensure all contractors working with children are authorized to have to a nationwide background check. The new bill, which would amend the National Child Protection Act of 1993(NCPA), would expand mandatory nationwide background checks for all individuals under contract with a school. “Background checks for childcare workers are common sense.  My legislation with Senator Durbin fixes an oversight in the law and will help keep American kids safe.  Parents should be assured that everyone who works with their kids, even contractors, has been thoroughly vetted,” said...

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Hawley Brings Bipartisan Momentum to Bill Boosting Warehouse Worker Safety

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) joined U.S. Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) in reintroducing the Warehouse Worker Protection Act. The bill would protect warehouse workers by prohibiting dangerous work speed quotas that lead to high rates of worker injuries. The newly reintroduced legislation includes new enforcement authority for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), as well as an exemption for small businesses. “Corporations too often prioritize profit over their workers’ safety and well-being, treating them like cogs in a machine. It has to stop. This legislation combats the warehouse industry’s worst practices while ensuring corporations do right by their employees in treating them with the dignity they deserve,” said Senator Hawley.“The Warehouse Worker Protection...

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Hawley Goes Public with Details from Conversation with Secret Service Director Rowe: ‘Stonewalling Must Stop’

Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) released the following statements following a phone call he had with Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe earlier today: "I just had an extraordinary conversation with Director Rowe at the Secret Service, who called me personally to dispute a whistleblower allegation—but refuses to respond in writing. Just as he has declined to respond substantively to ANY of the whistleblowers’ allegations. "Rowe complained about whistleblowers & complained about requests for information based on whistleblower reports. I informed him it is his JOB to provide the facts to the public & Congress. Stonewalling must stop. And I reminded him whistleblowers are *protected under federal law.* "I emphasized to Rowe that it is indefensible that his agency has...

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Hawley Blasts McKinsey’s Ties to China, Rebukes Witness for Equating Consulting Firms with Soybean Farmers

In today's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) hearing, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) made the case for his legislation, the Time to Choose Act, which would restrict consulting firms like McKinsey & Company from receiving government contracts while, at the same time, advising U.S. adversaries like China. "Why are [U.S. consulting firms] getting taxpayer money, advising our military, and, simultaneously, advising the Chinese military?" Senator Hawley asked incredulously. Senator Hawley also pushed back against Bryan Riley, Director of the National Taxpayers Union’s Free Trade Initiative, and his comparison of American soybean farmers to U.S. consulting firms advising the Chinese Communist...

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Hawley Rallies with Congressional Leaders and RECA Advocates from Across the Country: Pass RECA Now

Today U.S. Senators Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) held a press conference with House lawmakers and victims of nuclear contamination across America – including those from the St. Louis and St. Charles, Mo., areas—to push the House to pass their Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) in an effort to provide justice and compensation for those who have been harmed by the federal government’s decades of negligence. “The wait has been too long, and it has been too cruel, and there is no need to wait any longer,” said Senator Hawley. “The Senate is proof that we can pass this bill. We passed it with nearly 70 votes, and we have the votes in the House. We have the votes. We’ve counted them, we have them. We have a majority; we could pass it on suspension. This could...

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Hawley Releases NEW Whistleblower Tip: Secret Service Denies Trump Campaign Requests for Rally

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) revealed a new troubling whistleblower allegation detailing the Secret Service's refusal to provide former President Donald Trump with the resources and manpower needed for a rally in Wisconsin—effectively forcing his campaign to cancel the event.  Addressing Director Rowe directly, Senator Hawley wrote, "At your recent press conference on September 20, you stated that former President Trump is receiving “the highest level of Secret Service protection” and “he’s getting everything” that “the current president has with respect to Secret Service assets.”  He continued, writing, "Yet according to a whistleblower with direct knowledge of the exchange, Secret Service recently told the Trump campaign that it did not have...

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