Judicial Nominations

‘How Can I Believe You?’: Hawley Exposes Biden Judicial Nominee for Lying About Ties to Antisemitic Organization, Support for Far-left Candidate

In today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) pressed one of President Joe Biden's judicial nominees, Karla Marie Campbell, on why she repeatedly lied under oath about her ties to a left-wing organization that has advocated for the abolition of America's police and the destruction of Israel.  "I have to say, I've never seen a witness—never—in five years on this committee, sit here and lie to us and change the story person to person," said...

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Hawley Slams Biden Nominee for Advocating to Axe Mandatory Minimums for Child Porn Offenders, Calls Out Durbin for Blocking His Legislation Protecting Children

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) slammed President Biden’s U.S. Sentencing Commission nominee Laura Mate for refusing to explain her opposition to mandatory minimums for child porn offenders in all cases, following a 2013 letter she signed in which she argued that the child pornography guidelines were too severe and called for mandatory minimums for offenders to be abolished. “You don’t want to answer my questions, because the positions that you took were radical, and frankly, I think,...

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Hawley Praises Upcoming Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to U.S. Supreme Court

“The nomination of Amy Coney Barrett is truly historic. This is the most openly pro-life judicial nominee to the Supreme Court in my lifetime. This is an individual who has been open in her criticism of that illegitimate decision Roe v. Wade. This is a nominee who has been open about her faith and her faith commitments and the way she and her husband live their lives immersed in their Catholic faith and raise their children in their Catholic faith and want others to have the freedom to be able to do the same.”

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Hawley: Senate Confirms Openly Pro-Life Justice

“History has been made with the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. She is the most openly pro-life Supreme Court nominee to be confirmed in my lifetime. Despite being the subject of vicious attacks by the left for years, she refused to give in to the unconstitutional religious tests that Democrats sought to impose against her. This religious bigotry failed and must never be repeated. Judge Barrett is a stellar intellect and a fair and impartial jurist. With this confirmation, our nation’s highest Court is now more committed than ever to the rule of law and to upholding our fundamental constitutional rights. President Trump and Senate Republicans were elected to put strong constitutionalists on the Supreme Court, and that is exactly what we have in Justice Barrett.”

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Senator Hawley Calls on Schumer, Democrats to Reject Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s Faith

Following President Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent a letter to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) calling on every member of the Democratic Caucus to publicly reject attacks on Judge Barrett’s Christian faith and abstain from anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, anti-faith vitriol in the hearings to come.

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Senator Hawley Statement on Sarah Pitlyk’s Judicial Confirmation

“Sarah’s strong legal experience, sharp intellect, and commitment to the rule of law make her an outstanding choice for the Eastern District. I was proud to recommend her to President Trump, and I am confident that she will serve the people of Missouri as a principled and fair judge for decades to come.”

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