Press Releases

Hawley, Blunt Amendment Designating Silver Star Service Banner Day Passes Senate

Today, U.S. Senators Josh Hawley (Mo.) and Roy Blunt (Mo.) commended Senate passage of their legislation permanently designating May 1 as Silver Star Service Banner Day. The measure honors our nation’s wounded and ill service members and veterans, and their families. The amendment was included in the National Defense Authorization Act, which passed the Senate yesterday. “What truly makes America great are the brave men, women and their families who answered the call to serve and allow us to enjoy the freedoms we have today,” said Hawley. “While we can never thank them enough, we can celebrate their selflessness and permanently honor those wounded and ill service members and veterans across the country every May 1st for Silver Star Service Banner Day.” “There are thousands of...

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Sen. Hawley on Crisis at the Border: The Behavior of this Congress is Pathetic

One day after a photo was published of an El Salvadoran father who drowned to death with his 23-month-old daughter, Senator Hawley called Congress’ inaction on the crisis at the border “pathetic” and a “complete dereliction of duty.” Senator Hawley made the comments at a hearing on border security in the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

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Senators Warner and Hawley Introduce Bill to Force Social Media Companies to Disclose How They Are Monetizing User Data

“When a big tech company says its product is free, consumers are the ones being sold. These ‘free’ products track everything we do so tech companies can sell our information to the highest bidder and use it to target us with creepy ads,” said Sen. Hawley. “Even worse, tech companies do their best to hide how much consumer data is worth and to whom it is sold. This bipartisan legislation gives consumers control of their data and will show them how much these ‘free’ services actually cost.”

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Senators Hawley and Blunt Introduce Resolution to Congratulate St. Louis Blues on Stanley Cup Championship

“We all witnessed history as the Blues fought their way back from the bottom of the pack to become Stanley Cup Champions, with the city of St. Louis and the entire state rallying behind them every step of the way,” Senator Hawley said.“Congratulations to the Blues on this incredible, hard-fought victory. Our team and fans have truly earned this Cup.”

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Senator Hawley Introduces Legislation to Amend Section 230 Immunity for Big Tech Companies

Sen. Hawley’s legislation removes the immunity big tech companies receive under Section 230 unless they submit to an external audit that proves by clear and convincing evidence that their algorithms and content-removal practices are politically neutral. Sen. Hawley’s legislation does not apply to small and medium-sized tech companies. “With Section 230, tech companies get a sweetheart deal that no other industry enjoys: complete exemption from traditional publisher liability in exchange for providing a forum free of political censorship,” said Sen. Hawley. “Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, big tech has failed to hold up its end of the bargain.

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Senator Hawley Takes Steps to Stop Foreign Theft of Sensitive American Research with New Bill, NDAA Amendment

Today Senator Josh Hawley introduced the Protect Our Universities Act of 2019 to safeguard sensitive, national security-related academic research from Chinese, Russian, and Iranian intelligence services. The text will also be submitted as a Senate amendment to the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which is currently going through markups in the House and Senate.

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Sen. Hawley: We Are In A Technological Arms Race With China

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) participated in a panel with U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) as part of the Center for a New American Security’s (CNAS) 2019 National Security Conference. The Senators had a wide-ranging discussion on American foreign policy, endless wars in the Middle East, and the countries that pose the greatest long-term threat to American national security. 

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Senators Hawley, Blunt, Roberts, and Moran Applaud Kansas City Selection for New ERS & NIFA Location

“This is outstanding news for the Kansas City region. We’re home to some of the hardest working farmers in the country, so this is a fantastic decision by the USDA,” said Hawley. “As the new home of the Economic Research Service and National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Missouri and Kansas will continue to lead in the research and development of American agricultural policy for the 21st century. We are grateful for the job opportunities and renewed partnership this move creates for our state.”

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Senator Hawley Questions Acting DHS Secretary on Exploitation of Children at the Border

Today, Senator Josh Hawley questioned the Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan about the exploitation of children at the southern border during a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing. Acting Secretary McAleenan confirmed that Congress has refused to provide the resources necessary to end the reign of cartels and smugglers at the southern border and stop the horrific abuses of children, including child recycling rings.

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